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Resolve 14 closes when opening project

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Warning in advance: I'm not a hardcore video-guy (yet), so please forgive my possible lack of knowledge.
I just installed the free Resolve 14 (had 12.5 before, worked great) and am experiencing major problems.
The program will start just fine until I get to the window where I have to select whether I want to create a new project or if I want to open a old one. It does not matter what I choose to do, as soon as I click "create" (new project) or "open" on an old project Resolve 14 just closes. 
No crash report or anything, it acts like a regular closure (it also just disappears in the task manager).
I'm on a Windows 10 HP machine, i7-2600, 16GB of RAM and an old GTX 550 Ti.
Is it my graphics card? The start up system check of Resolve told me it'd be fine for simple editing, which is my goal.
I already de- and re-installed the program twice, restarted the computer and updated the graphics driver. 
Does anyone have a hint for me?

Any help will be apprecited.

I didn't find the right solution from the Internet. 

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Thank you.

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