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Carousel Issues

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OK, I have a project with BPs Default, 1366, 980, 768, 480 and 320.
I'm endeavouring to use the Carousel to display 15 photos in the center of the page.
The Carousel is not full width - it's sized in each BP so that the 15 images / slides inside the carousel area display in front of a white shape (published as CSS3) that is the "working area" BG, behind which is a full page BG image.
Because it's not full width I have left the Full width set to none - (so the checked responsive carousel isn't displayed).
The Carousel works, sizes and displays perfectly in the Default, 1366, 980 BPs - but for some reason, in BP 768 the image in slide 1 displays in slide 12 in addition to the image for that slide. The issue is only for slide 12.
Two questions
1) Are there any issues/limitations using the carousel across BPs like this?
2) Is there a quick way of fixing the duplicate image display or will you need to see the project?

Any help will be apprecited.

I didn't find the right solution from the Internet. 

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Thank you.


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